Adam Dittrich

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The One Thing, Gary Keller — Book Summary

Summary, Notes & Highlights

Helped me to discover my purpose and my WHY. I've learning how to set priorities and focus on one thing only to achieve my goals. How to handle distractions building selective discipline and strong habits. I've learned how powerful saying NO is and why most people fail to achieve their goals.

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Ask yourself. What is the one thing I can do right now, to start using the one thing in my life? And by doing it everything else becomes easier or unnecessary (Mindset)

1. Value your time

Do it know. Don’t wait for retirement to enjoy your kids. You cannot get back times. Life in the moment


Take the normal Pareto principle to the Extrem. Go even further and reduce your focus on just only one thing. Take that 20% and get it down to another 20% and again.

Mindset A few ideas gives you most of your results. A small number of people creates most of your business success. A handful of investments put the most money in your pocket

Example from the author His company was not acknowledged by the top leaders in their industry. So they challenge the team to come up with 100 ideas. they just picked one, writing a book. this book establish them as a leader in the field and sold millions copies


Being productive is about saying no to most of the things. It’s not measured by how many things you can accomplish or how many tasks you can do at once. It’s hard to say no, but you can say it politely to others to save your precious time.

Just focus on your goals and saying no to most offers that distracts you. This is harder than you think.

When you say yes to something you say no to everything else

Example when Steve Jobs came back to Apple he reduced the product line from 30 products to 10. Distractions are everywhere OR if someone needs your help refer them to others

4. Discover your Big WHY (Purpose)

  • Happiness comes from when you make your life about something bigger. Not by seeking happiness. When you bring Meaning and Purpose to everyday actions

  • Ask yourself What drives you? What is the thing that gets you up in the morning? and keeps you going when you tiered?

Example Purpose & Why

The Author's "My purpose is to help people live their greatest life possible through my coaching, teaching, writing" Teaching is my one thing and has been for over 30 years. First teaching clients about the market, next teaching sales people, later it was teaching business classes then it was teaching high performers the strategies for high achievement. Last 10 years its been teaching seminars on specific live building principles

My Why & Purpose "My purpose is to help creative people to become more capable while living a meaningful life through my coaching, teaching, writing, online content"

5. Time Blocking

If you have one time, one thing and then block the appropriate time in your calendar. If you have a regular one thing and then block a time every day. Meetings calls etc. can wait.This is how you create your most productive days for the rest of your life

30 minutes - 1h morning priorities. Then devote at least 4 hours for you one thing every day. Do more if you can. People over Estimate what they can achieve. Breaking down big goals into small ones is the way

Stephen king blocks for hours every day for writing. Sure he can do this because he is Stephen King. But ask yourself does he become Stephen King because he is devoting four hours of writing every day? That is what you say to people when they’re if you that question how to get there

6. One Thing to achieve your Goals

Why people don’t achieve their goals. They don’t connect their Now with the future. People don’t see what they are doing now can offer value later.

Example: when you offered people a reward of 100€ now or 200€ later. people would choose mostly the 100€ right now. So do the steps to achieve your goal right now to connect them to the future.

Ask yourself what is the one thing I can do to achieve my goals? Instead of doing many things at once Focus on one thing. This helps you not overwhelm him with too many other things and keeps you focused. What is one thing that pushes me towards my goals?

Ask yourself every day what is one thing I can do to achieve my goals? Make it a daily habit. It might take 66 days to get to the daily habit. Set yourself a reminder ask ask friends to hold you accountable, put a sign on your wall at the office

Example. What is one thing I can do to get more clients? What one thing can I do to get more notice in my industry? What is one thing I can do to improve my product? What is one thing I can do to work out more this week? What is one thing I can do to have more free time for myself? What is one thing I can do to improve my customer journey? What is one thing I can do to save more for retirement?

7. How to Build Habits. Selective Discipline

Build a few Powerful Habit. Build one at a time. channel energy just towards them. It will Simplify your life, decisions. because you know what to do. E.g if want to be a great runner just start running, keep running and don’t focus on volleyball

8. Distraction and Multitasking

Every day we are bombarded with new information and choices in a day than previous generation in lifetime. Attempt to much accomplished to Little

Why we are distracted from our phones or doing multiple things at once? We expect from a doctor That they focus on surgery and do not multiple things at once. Why don’t we keep our focus on our job or most important task and still try to multitask?

focusing on the ONE thing. One thing that has the most value will bring you further in life. Endurance is key to focusing on one thing. Focusing on to many things is distracting. Distraction comes in many little forms in life. It also means that you have to let go of others things. E.g Apple keeps focus on the iPhone, Starbucks just serves coffee. Also so Brands focusing on ONE thing, evolve, get better and try to be the best every single day

9. Think Big

Avoid think in incrementala like What do I do next? Think bigger. Double down on everything in your life. If your goal is 10 ask yourself how can I reach 20?

Think big and connect yourself with the future you. Thinking big helps you to take the necessary steps to get there

Set a goal that is so far from your current destination to guide you along your path

Don’t order from the menu that everyone else is having, ask for what is not on the menu


Current Income * Number (any number) = New Goal - Will my current actions lead to this number in the next 5 years? Yes = keep doubling until they wont = living big

10. Counter Balance

Do the things you value the most and give them your full attention. Be ok with things that are not get done.

When you are at work = work. If you are at home = be home Be in the moment Fully to have the best chance of achievement